Friday, April 27, 2012

JavaScript Object.Join? With this jQuery Plug you can!

I had a need not to long ago to join an object much in the way you use Array.join().  Naturally, I thought it might be easier to convert the object's to array's, but then I thought, "Why not make a jQuery plug for this?  After all, how hard can it be?"  As it turned out, it was a little bit harder than I thought.  Although, I did finally figure it out and have been successfully using this plug for most of this year.  Now, admittedly, it hasn't been tested on every type of object, so if you use this and find an error, PLEASE COMMENT ME ABOUT IT!  After all, I can't "improve" it if I don't know where it is broken.  Also, if you do report a "bug", please be sure to give me some example of how you reached the bug so I can replicate the issue myself.  In this post, I'm simply going to add the jsFiddle (see below) as it has everything you need; the code, example usage, and example output.  Simply copy out the code between the comments in the JS area of the fiddle and paste it anywhere into your page you like, or paste it into a js file to be included in your header.  Perhaps one day soon, I'll make more official files and a better blog site, but for now, most you know what to do.

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